About Letters

Letters of the Rainbow is a safe space for queer voices. It began when Ruth & Nora met through the blogging community, and deciding to start a project together, writing open letters about any and all topics.

Religion, sexuality, race, relationships, love, heartbreak, loss, pain, struggle, mental health, body issues, voice, commitment, purpose, culture, queerness, community, career, monogamy, dating, family, friendship, loneliness, health, hobbies, reading, pets, coming out, money, self-love, creativity

…and anything else that comes to mind!

But as much as we enjoy writing each other, we want this to be a space for any andĀ all of the queer community. A place to seek advice. A place to share your story. A place to find community and connection and find others with the same struggles, the same heartbreaks, the same hopes, the same love. Write to us.

We’re so glad you’re here.

xoxo, Ruth & Nora